Advanced Functional Rehab

Advancing your capacity to provide corrective rehab exercises

for ongoing and progressive recovery for your patients

AFR Course

When pain and injury arises there are multiple elements at play. Optimal rehabilitation requires the ability to address underlying deficits in movement potential to allow for comprehensive recovery.

Secondary to that, the accurate prescription of load, intensity and progression will be a necessity to have your patients recover from their pain problems and injuries.

The Advanced Functional Rehab (AFR) course helps guided you through step by step introduction of rehabilitation and corrective exercises to complete your treatment plans with your patients. All the while teaching principles to joint functioning, appropriate loading and progression of specific exercises.

Intent of AFR Course

  1. Detailed education of the functional anatomy of each joint in the body

  2. Possible presenting injuries and presenting dysfunctions

  3. Progressive corrective exercises to be implemented with proper execution

  4. Understanding of the triphasic behaviour of movement and importance of each phase and appropriate inclusion

  5. Difference in behaviour on motor tissues of open-kinetic chain and closed-kinetic chain exercises and appropriate inclusion.

Upper Extremity

The Upper Extremity AFR will cover the functional anatomy, motor behaviour and mechanics of the wrist, elbow, shoulder complex, thoracic spine and cervical spine.

Following a detailed understanding of the functional capacity of the above areas, each student will then be guided through the execution of the corrective exercises appropriate for each stage of rehabilitation.

Lower Extremity

The Lower Extremity AFR will cover the functional anatomy, motor behaviour and mechanics of the ankle (subtalar, talo-crural joints, mid-foot joints), knee, hip and lumbo-pelvic complex.

Following a detailed understanding of the functional capacity of the above areas, each student will then be guided through the execution of the corrective exercises appropriate for each stage of rehabilitation.



All course material, including lecture slides and various exercise selections with cue's and proper execution. As well various research papers on topics covered.


**Cancellation 14 days or earlier of the course date registered for, NO refund will be provided. However, withdrawal from a course you have registered for greater than 14 days of the course start date  a refund will be given minus $100 processing fee. ATP reserves the right to cancel a course, if doing so participants will receive a full refund of the course only. By registering you are agreeing to this.

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