Advancing Therapeutic Skills


Advanced Therapeutic Programs are courses designed to enhance your clinical expertise and proficiency.

The courses focus on increasing the two key aspects of clinical efficacy; in-depth and comprehensive assessment skills and treatment approaches geared towards producing the intended outcome grounded in the most prevalent fascial research and clinical neuro-physiology.

All aspects of life is ever evolving, our understanding of the human body and how it functions is no different. The current evolution has guided us towards a more Systems view of the human body. 

With all evolution, new perspectives provide a more comprehensive view of the behaviour and expression of the human body, transcending previous paradigms yet including them.

Advanced Therapeutic Programs are delivered with the same ideology. The courses and programs are grounded in a comprehensive approach to assessment and treatment that includes previous paradigms used to view and interact with the body, as well as presenting and working within current paradigms of how to view, assess and treat the human body.

Patients aren't chiropractic patients, physiotherapy patients or osteopathic patients. Injuries shouldn't be different for chiropractors, or for physiotherapists. 

Thus our courses are centred on principles of human body functioning that any and all practitioners would be able to apply to patients, to be able to have success with all of their patients and more importantly, have the capacity to understand what is needed and when.

The Advanced Therapeutic Programs integrate the many facets of human body functioning, from fascial research to neuro-physiological research, with the goal of connecting all of the pieces for the advancing practitioners.

The intent of Advanced Therapeutic Programs is to enhance therapeutic effectiveness, efficiency and proficiency.

To provide clarity for practitioners and contribute to the success that all practitioners strive for.




If you are interested in running private workshops for your clinic please contact us at to learn about the different ways we have worked with clinical teams to advance their clinical skill sets.